

Meon Medical Centre is a Research Active Practice

The practice team are delighted to announce that Meon Medical Centre is a research active practice working with the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network (NIHR-CRN).

We work in close collaboration with a team of GPs, research nurses and facilitators based in Warwick Medical School. If a patient is eligible to join a research study running in our practice, a GP or other healthcare professional will provide written information. Taking part in a research study is voluntary and can be beneficial to patients who participate in them.

Examples of research projects include:

  • investigating timing of taking blood pressure medication
  • investigating respiratory infections
  • management of heart failure
  • how to increase physical activity
  • ways to help people stop smoking
  • the use of self-monitoring of blood pressure

Our GP Research Lead within the practice is Dr Karen Clarke

If you would like to know more about research taking place locally, visit www.warwick.ac.uk/go/pcresearchparticipation


Our partnership with the uMed research platform 

Meon Medical Centre is currently working with a research technology partner known as uMed. Their accredited platform enables us to provide you with research opportunities that are highly relevant to your health circumstances.  

Without the use of uMed’s technology we may not have the time to find and engage patients that meet the requirements of the studies. This would therefore mean many patients would miss out on their chance to participate in ground-breaking research. 

For further information on uMed please visit their website at www.umed.io or email patientsupport@umed.io 


Practice Privacy Notice Statement 

Supporting Research Activity 

Meon Medical Centre uses Umedeor Ltd (uMed) as a data processor to support research and care support activity. This includes accessing and secure hosting of health record data for the purpose of identifying patients that are eligible for specific research or care support projects. uMed also contacts those patients on behalf of the practice via SMS, letter, email or telephone to provide more information about the study, and to collect additional information to assess your eligibility for a certain study. 

Your consent will be required before any practice data is shared externally with researchers. uMed applies the national opt-out to practice data it receives so if you wish your data is not processed for research you can do so by visiting https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/ 

For further information on uMed please visit their website at www.umed.io or email patientsupport@umed.io 


The FLASH Study 

Although there are several treatment options already available for asthma, some individuals may still have difficulty controlling their symptoms. 

Meon Medical Centre is taking part in the FLASH study which is investigating whether a medication called Atuliflapon can improve symptoms for patients living with moderate to severe uncontrolled Asthma. 

This study is recruiting male and female participants between the age of 18-55 years of age with a confirmed asthma diagnosis. 

Meon Medical Centre is working with our research technology partner uMed to invite patients to this study. If you meet the study criteria, you may receive a text message, email or letter asking whether you would like to take part. Participation is entirely voluntary and you can opt out at any time.  

If you have any questions about this study please contact the uMed nurse support team at patientsupport@umed.io. 


MAGNIFY Study - Optimum Patient Care UK

Meon Medical Centre is taking part in the  MAGNIFY( Maximising  Adherence and  Gaining  New  Information  For  Your COPD) study. This has been designed with patient medication adherence support at the forefront. As I’m sure you’re aware, those with a COPD diagnosis may have poor adherence to their medication, resulting in exacerbations, unscheduled care, and preventable poor health.  

The aim of this low-level trial is to evaluate the impact of an enhanced adherence support package on COPD patients. The support package includes add-on technology that attaches to Ultibro Breezehaler and uses a mobile app to help patients improve medication adherence.

Please see the document below for further information.

MAGNIFY Study - Optimum Patient Care UK - Questionnaire, FAQ's, and Patient Information Sheet