
Patient News

National GP Survey 2024 - Results

The results of the National GP Survey 2024 are just out. The latest survey consisted of around 2.56 million questionnaires sent out to patients aged 16 or over registered with GP practices in England, from 2 January to 25 March 2024. 699,790 patients completed and returned a questionnaire. Out of all 32 practices in South Warwickshire, Meon Medical Centre have been ranked 1st after receiving a rating of either good or very good overall at 97.1%. Nationally we were 79th out of over 6,000 GP Practices across the country. The Survey results for Meon Medical Centre can be found here:  https://www.gp-patient.co.uk/patientexperiences?practicecode=M84066

The results of the National GP Survey 2024 are just out. The latest survey consisted of around 2.56 million questionnaires sent out to patients aged 16 or over registered with GP practices in England, from 2 January to 25 March 2024. 699,790 patients completed and returned a questionnaire. Out of all 32 practices in South Warwickshire, Meon Medical Centre have been ranked 1st after receiving a rating of either good or very good overall at 97.1%. Nationally we were 79th out of over 6,000 GP Practices across the country. The Survey results for Meon Medical Centre can be found here:  https://www.gp-patient.co.uk/patientexperiences?practicecode=M84066

12 Jul, 2024
1 Jul, 2024
Relay For Life 2024 Coventry & Warwickshire | Celebrating the power of community fundraising
Meon Medical Centre Moving to Online Appointment System (Between 08:30-14:30)

From Thursday 27th June 2024 Meon Medical Centre will be changing the way we offer appointments. We will be moving to an online system where our GPs will triage all appointment requests, ensuring that you are seen by the most appropriate clinician in a timely manner. We hope that this will help make better use of the appointments we have available. If you wish to book an appointment with a nurse or HealthCare Assistant, please continue to call us on 01789 720820 to arrange. 

We will be asking all patients to complete an online Patient Triage form which can be found on our website Meon Medical Centre 

We will then contact you with either advice or an appointment where appropriate. The fastest way to get help from a GP is by submitting an online form yourself or asking a family member to do so on your behalf. You can use this form to contact us about anything you’d normally call us about.

If you are unable to do this, then our reception team will be able to complete the form on your behalf before it is looked at by our triage doctor. Please submit the web form between the hours of 08:30 and 2:30pm

From Thursday 27th June 2024 Meon Medical Centre will be changing the way we offer appointments. We will be moving to an online system where our GPs will triage all appointment requests, ensuring that you are seen by the most appropriate clinician in a timely manner. We hope that this will help make better use of the appointments we have available. If you wish to book an appointment with a nurse or HealthCare Assistant, please continue to call us on 01789 720820 to arrange. 

We will be asking all patients to complete an online Patient Triage form which can be found on our website Meon Medical Centre 

We will then contact you with either advice or an appointment where appropriate. The fastest way to get help from a GP is by submitting an online form yourself or asking a family member to do so on your behalf. You can use this form to contact us about anything you’d normally call us about.

If you are unable to do this, then our reception team will be able to complete the form on your behalf before it is looked at by our triage doctor. Please submit the web form between the hours of 08:30 and 2:30pm

20 Jun, 2024
5 Jun, 2024
Covid Treatments and Self-Referral Platform - Respiratory@Home Service


You can now refer yourself to the Respiratory@Home service quickly and easily. Simply scan the QR code below or visit our self-referral website at https://selfreferral.happyhealthylives.uk. Once there, you will find step-by-step instructions and information on whether you meet the criteria for the service.

GP Referrals Still Accepted

If you prefer, your GP can also refer you to the service by completing a Respiratory@Home Service - referral form and sending it to crgpa.respiratoryathome@nhs.net.

Contact Information

For any queries, feel free to contact us at 07881 359254. Our operating hours are:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Covid-19 Support

As Covid is still an issue, our purpose is to support patients receive the treatment if they are eligible and offer them reassurance that their condition is monitored. Attached, is a list of the pharmacies which have signed up to offer free LFT (Covid test) to vulnerable patients to support with the testing.  

Community Pharmacies in Coventry & Warwickshire: Offering COVID testing kits (.PDF)


You can now refer yourself to the Respiratory@Home service quickly and easily. Simply scan the QR code below or visit our self-referral website at https://selfreferral.happyhealthylives.uk. Once there, you will find step-by-step instructions and information on whether you meet the criteria for the service.

GP Referrals Still Accepted

If you prefer, your GP can also refer you to the service by completing a Respiratory@Home Service - referral form and sending it to crgpa.respiratoryathome@nhs.net.

Contact Information

For any queries, feel free to contact us at 07881 359254. Our operating hours are:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Covid-19 Support

As Covid is still an issue, our purpose is to support patients receive the treatment if they are eligible and offer them reassurance that their condition is monitored. Attached, is a list of the pharmacies which have signed up to offer free LFT (Covid test) to vulnerable patients to support with the testing.  

Community Pharmacies in Coventry & Warwickshire: Offering COVID testing kits (.PDF)

Meon Medical Centre - Patient Survey Results 2024

Please find the link to the results of our Meon Medical Centre Patient Survey 2024. We surveyed everyone with a mobile telephone number on record who had an appointment in April 2024 by SMS text. There were 1440 texts delivered and 393 responses. Any feedback from the survey will be looked at and actioned where appropriate over the coming weeks: 

Meon Medical Centre - Patient Survey Results 2024 

Please find the link to the results of our Meon Medical Centre Patient Survey 2024. We surveyed everyone with a mobile telephone number on record who had an appointment in April 2024 by SMS text. There were 1440 texts delivered and 393 responses. Any feedback from the survey will be looked at and actioned where appropriate over the coming weeks: 

Meon Medical Centre - Patient Survey Results 2024 

28 May, 2024
17 May, 2024
Meon Medical Centre's Charity Quiz Night and Raffle Fundraiser - 4th May 2024

We are delighted to let you know that the sum of £1733.81 for raised at the Meon Medical Centre quiz night on Saturday 4th May. The proceeds have been divided between Cancer Research and Hospice UK.  

Special thanks to Natasha Gallie for her superb work organising the event.

Also many thanks to the local businesses who donated raffle prizes. These include Londis at Meon Vale, Tiffins Takeaway, Canvas Belles Teepees, Clopton Farm Shop, The New Inn, Stratford Garden Centre, Pages Farm Shop and Pavilion Coffee Shop. 

We are delighted to let you know that the sum of £1733.81 for raised at the Meon Medical Centre quiz night on Saturday 4th May. The proceeds have been divided between Cancer Research and Hospice UK.  

Special thanks to Natasha Gallie for her superb work organising the event.

Also many thanks to the local businesses who donated raffle prizes. These include Londis at Meon Vale, Tiffins Takeaway, Canvas Belles Teepees, Clopton Farm Shop, The New Inn, Stratford Garden Centre, Pages Farm Shop and Pavilion Coffee Shop. 

Highly Commended by N.A.P.P | Corkill Awards 2023-2024
15 Dec, 2023
8 Nov, 2023
Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy

Whooping cough (pertussis) rates have risen sharply in recent years and babies who are too young to start their vaccinations are at greatest risk.

Young babies with whooping cough are often very unwell and most will be admitted to hospital because of their illness. When whooping cough is particularly severe, they can die.

Pregnant women can help protect their babies by getting vaccinated – ideally from 16 weeks up to 32 weeks pregnant. If for any reason you miss having the vaccine, you can still have it up until you go into labour.

Why are pregnant women advised to have the whooping cough vaccine?

Getting vaccinated while you're pregnant is highly effective in protecting your baby from developing whooping cough in the first few weeks of their life.

The immunity you get from the vaccine will pass to your baby through the placenta and provide passive protection for them until they are old enough to be routinely vaccinated against whooping cough at 8 weeks old.

Please click the link below for further information.

Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Whooping cough (pertussis) rates have risen sharply in recent years and babies who are too young to start their vaccinations are at greatest risk.

Young babies with whooping cough are often very unwell and most will be admitted to hospital because of their illness. When whooping cough is particularly severe, they can die.

Pregnant women can help protect their babies by getting vaccinated – ideally from 16 weeks up to 32 weeks pregnant. If for any reason you miss having the vaccine, you can still have it up until you go into labour.

Why are pregnant women advised to have the whooping cough vaccine?

Getting vaccinated while you're pregnant is highly effective in protecting your baby from developing whooping cough in the first few weeks of their life.

The immunity you get from the vaccine will pass to your baby through the placenta and provide passive protection for them until they are old enough to be routinely vaccinated against whooping cough at 8 weeks old.

Please click the link below for further information.

Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Community Fundraising Success: £658.68 Raised for Cancer Research UK

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our patients, staff and Patient Participation Group, we have raised the sum of £658.68 for Cancer Research UK during our Saturday Covid/flu clinics.

Special mention to Pam Bowen and Peter Seymour Mead for their valiant effort in selling cakes on 14th October!

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our patients, staff and Patient Participation Group, we have raised the sum of £658.68 for Cancer Research UK during our Saturday Covid/flu clinics.

Special mention to Pam Bowen and Peter Seymour Mead for their valiant effort in selling cakes on 14th October!

16 Oct, 2023
7 Sep, 2023
Shingles Vaccination Information and Eligibility

If you have a severely weakened immune system (as described in the Green book chapter) you will be offered the shingles vaccine from 50 years of age.

If you are over 70 years of age and have not had shingles vaccine before you remain eligible up to your 80th birthday.

Please see the Shingles Eligibility table document to check your eligibility for shingles vaccine.

If you have a severely weakened immune system (as described in the Green book chapter) you will be offered the shingles vaccine from 50 years of age.

If you are over 70 years of age and have not had shingles vaccine before you remain eligible up to your 80th birthday.

Please see the Shingles Eligibility table document to check your eligibility for shingles vaccine.

Measles | Don't let your child catch it

The number of young people catching measles has risen. It’s never too late to be vaccinated. You need two doses of MMR one month apart to be fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella.

It’s time to make measles a disease of the past.

Measles symptoms include: high fever; sore, red, watery eyes; coughing; aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.

If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

For more information contact your local GP surgery or visit: www.nhs.uk/mmr

Please see the entire leaftet here.

The number of young people catching measles has risen. It’s never too late to be vaccinated. You need two doses of MMR one month apart to be fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella.

It’s time to make measles a disease of the past.

Measles symptoms include: high fever; sore, red, watery eyes; coughing; aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.

If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

For more information contact your local GP surgery or visit: www.nhs.uk/mmr

Please see the entire leaftet here.

19 Jul, 2023
18 Aug, 2023
NHS App: A More Secure and Reliable Way to Receive Messages from Your Surgery

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Reduce Missed Appointments to Improve Healthcare Access at Meon Medical Centre

In the last four weeks, there were 63 appointments at Meon Medical Centre that the patient did not attend or the child was not brought. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know by calling 01789 720820 as soon as you can. This will help us as we can then offer your appointment to another patient. This will reduce waiting times for patients and costs to the NHS.

In the last four weeks, there were 63 appointments at Meon Medical Centre that the patient did not attend or the child was not brought. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know by calling 01789 720820 as soon as you can. This will help us as we can then offer your appointment to another patient. This will reduce waiting times for patients and costs to the NHS.

26 Apr, 2023
19 Apr, 2023
Foodbank feeds 550 for first time forcing food famine…

Dear Supporter,

WE DESPERATELY NEED HELP. The demand on our foodbank is soaring. This March we had our busiest month since we opened our doors in 2013, feeding 550 people.

 The first quarter of 2023 has seen a 48% increase in the number of people we are feeding compared to 2022.

We have given out over 5 tonnes more food in the first three months of this year, than we have received in donations. Our warehouse reserve stocks are depleted and for the first time ever we are having to buy large quantities of food items each week. 
As a result of this we are embarking on a significant drive appealing for food and/or money donations to help us support people in our local community.

Information about:

  • making money donations can be found here
  • where to take your food donations can be found here

Thanks in advance for your help – we really do appreciate all your support. 

Kate & Sarah
Stratford upon Avon Foodbank

Items most needed this week:

  • fruit juice - long life
  • fruit - tinned
  • pasta sauce - tinned/jar
  • curry sauce - tinned/jar
  • cup a soup - packets
  • plain noodles - packets
  • jelly/angel delight
  • squash/cordial

meat meals

  • curry/bolognese/chicken in sauce - tinned

vegetarian meals

  • curry/bolognese/chilli - tinned
  • deodorant - men
  • toothbrushes - adult
  • shampoo
  • toilet roll
  • bars of soap

The only items we have plenty of at this time are cereal, pasta, custard and baked beans.

Dear Supporter,

WE DESPERATELY NEED HELP. The demand on our foodbank is soaring. This March we had our busiest month since we opened our doors in 2013, feeding 550 people.

 The first quarter of 2023 has seen a 48% increase in the number of people we are feeding compared to 2022.

We have given out over 5 tonnes more food in the first three months of this year, than we have received in donations. Our warehouse reserve stocks are depleted and for the first time ever we are having to buy large quantities of food items each week. 
As a result of this we are embarking on a significant drive appealing for food and/or money donations to help us support people in our local community.

Information about:

  • making money donations can be found here
  • where to take your food donations can be found here

Thanks in advance for your help – we really do appreciate all your support. 

Kate & Sarah
Stratford upon Avon Foodbank

Items most needed this week:

  • fruit juice - long life
  • fruit - tinned
  • pasta sauce - tinned/jar
  • curry sauce - tinned/jar
  • cup a soup - packets
  • plain noodles - packets
  • jelly/angel delight
  • squash/cordial

meat meals

  • curry/bolognese/chicken in sauce - tinned

vegetarian meals

  • curry/bolognese/chilli - tinned
  • deodorant - men
  • toothbrushes - adult
  • shampoo
  • toilet roll
  • bars of soap

The only items we have plenty of at this time are cereal, pasta, custard and baked beans.

Discover Me

Discover Me is a nationwide research study looking at how health and genetic information can allow us to better understand disease.

By collecting health and genetic information on thousands of people, Discover Me aims to help us find out why diseases may affect some people more than others. This could help transform healthcare. 

As part of Discover Me, you can learn more about your own health and ancestry, supporting you and your GP to make better decisions about your health and care.

Discover Me is a nationwide research study looking at how health and genetic information can allow us to better understand disease.

By collecting health and genetic information on thousands of people, Discover Me aims to help us find out why diseases may affect some people more than others. This could help transform healthcare. 

As part of Discover Me, you can learn more about your own health and ancestry, supporting you and your GP to make better decisions about your health and care.

25 Jan, 2023
Community Pharmacy Consultation Service

Did you know… we are participating in a new service from 20th September 2022 that directs patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional when booking an appointment, which may be a local community pharmacist either virtually or at their pharmacy. 

We believe this is a good thing, as your local pharmacist is a highly trained and skilled clinician experienced in treating minor illnesses and will provide a timely service. This will help free up GPs to deal with more complex health needs and ensure that everyone gets treated at the right time by the right healthcare professional. 

We are keen to hear from patients using this service so we know if it is working well and how we can improve things. You will be advised how to give this feedback when you access the service. 

Did you know… we are participating in a new service from 20th September 2022 that directs patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional when booking an appointment, which may be a local community pharmacist either virtually or at their pharmacy. 

We believe this is a good thing, as your local pharmacist is a highly trained and skilled clinician experienced in treating minor illnesses and will provide a timely service. This will help free up GPs to deal with more complex health needs and ensure that everyone gets treated at the right time by the right healthcare professional. 

We are keen to hear from patients using this service so we know if it is working well and how we can improve things. You will be advised how to give this feedback when you access the service. 

Covid-19 vaccination booster program - Autumn 2022

Covid-19 vaccination booster program for Autumn 2022 will begin week commencing 12th September.

We will be inviting patients to book at the following 2 vaccination sites: 

  • LOMAS SUITE, Stratford Hospital : Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays
  • SOUTHAM CLINIC, Southam : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sundays.

Please wait to be invited for your vaccination but in the event of a query call on 01926 962 718.

For more information please click here.

Covid-19 vaccination booster program for Autumn 2022 will begin week commencing 12th September.

We will be inviting patients to book at the following 2 vaccination sites: 

  • LOMAS SUITE, Stratford Hospital : Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays
  • SOUTHAM CLINIC, Southam : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sundays.

Please wait to be invited for your vaccination but in the event of a query call on 01926 962 718.

For more information please click here.

Notice on Face Masks

In accordance with NHS guidelines, we are no longer asking patients to wear face masks in the Practice.

We ask that you continue to wear a mask in the following circumstances:

  • You have a high temperature
  • You have any respiratory issues
  • You are receiving ongoing medical treatment for critical conditions such as cancer

If you have Covid symptoms or anyone in your household has Covid, please do not enter the Practice.

Thank you.

In accordance with NHS guidelines, we are no longer asking patients to wear face masks in the Practice.

We ask that you continue to wear a mask in the following circumstances:

  • You have a high temperature
  • You have any respiratory issues
  • You are receiving ongoing medical treatment for critical conditions such as cancer

If you have Covid symptoms or anyone in your household has Covid, please do not enter the Practice.

Thank you.

Stratford-Upon-Avon Foodbank

Stratford Food Bank is very hungry. We are feeding more people and receiving less food. We need your help. Please see details on this leaflet.

Stratford Food Bank is very hungry. We are feeding more people and receiving less food. We need your help. Please see details on this leaflet.

South Warwickshire Members Newsletter

Please view the newsletter here.

Please view the newsletter here.

Hay Fever

Did you know you can get your hay fever medicines from your local community pharmacy? Learn More.

Useful Link - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/antihistamines/ 

Did you know you can get your hay fever medicines from your local community pharmacy? Learn More.

Useful Link - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/antihistamines/ 

6 Apr, 2022
25 Mar, 2022
Meon Medical Centre – Spring update

As everywhere moves toward a post covid world with all restrictions dropped, in the NHS we are moving a little more slowly and cautiously. Our staff currently continue to test regularly using lateral flow tests and if any of our staff are positive, they will stay at home and isolate from the surgery. Likewise, we also ask that you do not come to the surgery if you have any covid symptoms or a positive test and continue to wear a mask when coming to the surgery to minimise the risk of transmission to our more vulnerable patients. We have a large filter in the waiting room that filters viruses from the air to help as well and will be keeping the windows open and fresh air circulating.

Over the last 2 years we have by necessity moved to default telephone appointments, but throughout the whole of the pandemic we have always seen patients face to face if needed. Telephone appointments and online consultations (accessible via our website) have been welcomed by some patients as more convenient, and we envisage them being a continued option alongside traditional face to face appointments. We are continually tweaking and changing our appointment system to try to provide the most efficient service that we can. We have a patient participation group that meets once a quarter that supports and provides constructive feedback to the practice and issues like this are often discussed. This is open to everyone – please contact the practice if you are interested in joining this group.

In addition to our core general practice team, we have an increasing team of staff who are attached to the practice and to whom you may be directed by our reception team or clinicians. These additional roles to general practice help us to manage our workload and provide an improved service to our patient population. We have a Clinical Pharmacist who helps us to manage medication queries and completes medication reviews; a pharmacy technician who helps us to monitor people who are taking certain medications; a First Contact Practitioner who is an advanced physiotherapist who we can refer to for initial assessment of musculoskeletal problems. In addition we have a health and wellbeing team consisting of social prescribers and health and wellbeing coaches, who we refer to for many issues such as financial and social issues that impact on a person’s health, and support with lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Moving into the year we are looking forward to getting back to seeing everyone for regular annual medication reviews and as many of you are already aware we tie your annual review in with your birthday month. We will be sending out a reminder text and remember that if you need a blood test, please get it done before your review so that the clinician has all the information to hand when they see you. Sometimes we will ask you to complete an online form with information – for instance home blood pressure readings – prior to your review. In some instances if everything is stable and you have no concerns we will be able to update your review date just with the information that you provide. However, if you are not able to access the internet, or find the form too difficult to complete, that is not a problem and you can book a medication review appointment.

I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our patients who, in the main, have been very understanding of the changes that we have had to make and the delays that have sometimes resulted. It has been hard at times for our team, especially when staff have been absent - our reception team particularly have to juggle sometimes the demand for appointments with a reduced clinical team to provide them. However, we have had some lovely messages of support, little cards of thanks and very often chocolates and biscuits- even flowers last week! Your support and appreciation of the work that we are doing really helps keep morale up, so thank you for your understanding and support. We would also like to welcome two new members of staff to the Reception team: Jenny Hillard and Sarah Hubbard, both welcome additions!

Nursing Update

How is your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking going?

Research has shown that it is easier to quit with support from a Smoking Cessation Advisor.

You can book a telephone or face-to-face appointment through reception. We can give you expert advice on a range of proven methods to help you quit. Then give you professional support during the first few months that you stop smoking.

Did you know that:

  • after 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse start returning to normal
  • after 24 hours carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to clear out smoking debris
  • after 48 hours ability to taste and smell improves
  • after 3–9 months lung function improves up to 10%
  • after 5 years the risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker
  • after 10 years the risk of lung cancer is halved and the risk of heart ischaemia falls to that of someone who has never smoked.

Dispensary Update:

We have been made aware of an app called “Hey Pharmacist” which enables patients to order their medication via this app. This app is not connected to us in any way and we ask patients not to order via the Hey Pharmacist app.  

Patients can order medication via the NHS app, online web form on our website, or dropping your repeat slip into the surgery. Please do not hand medication orders in at the hatch or over the phone. Thank you  

As everywhere moves toward a post covid world with all restrictions dropped, in the NHS we are moving a little more slowly and cautiously. Our staff currently continue to test regularly using lateral flow tests and if any of our staff are positive, they will stay at home and isolate from the surgery. Likewise, we also ask that you do not come to the surgery if you have any covid symptoms or a positive test and continue to wear a mask when coming to the surgery to minimise the risk of transmission to our more vulnerable patients. We have a large filter in the waiting room that filters viruses from the air to help as well and will be keeping the windows open and fresh air circulating.

Over the last 2 years we have by necessity moved to default telephone appointments, but throughout the whole of the pandemic we have always seen patients face to face if needed. Telephone appointments and online consultations (accessible via our website) have been welcomed by some patients as more convenient, and we envisage them being a continued option alongside traditional face to face appointments. We are continually tweaking and changing our appointment system to try to provide the most efficient service that we can. We have a patient participation group that meets once a quarter that supports and provides constructive feedback to the practice and issues like this are often discussed. This is open to everyone – please contact the practice if you are interested in joining this group.

In addition to our core general practice team, we have an increasing team of staff who are attached to the practice and to whom you may be directed by our reception team or clinicians. These additional roles to general practice help us to manage our workload and provide an improved service to our patient population. We have a Clinical Pharmacist who helps us to manage medication queries and completes medication reviews; a pharmacy technician who helps us to monitor people who are taking certain medications; a First Contact Practitioner who is an advanced physiotherapist who we can refer to for initial assessment of musculoskeletal problems. In addition we have a health and wellbeing team consisting of social prescribers and health and wellbeing coaches, who we refer to for many issues such as financial and social issues that impact on a person’s health, and support with lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Moving into the year we are looking forward to getting back to seeing everyone for regular annual medication reviews and as many of you are already aware we tie your annual review in with your birthday month. We will be sending out a reminder text and remember that if you need a blood test, please get it done before your review so that the clinician has all the information to hand when they see you. Sometimes we will ask you to complete an online form with information – for instance home blood pressure readings – prior to your review. In some instances if everything is stable and you have no concerns we will be able to update your review date just with the information that you provide. However, if you are not able to access the internet, or find the form too difficult to complete, that is not a problem and you can book a medication review appointment.

I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our patients who, in the main, have been very understanding of the changes that we have had to make and the delays that have sometimes resulted. It has been hard at times for our team, especially when staff have been absent - our reception team particularly have to juggle sometimes the demand for appointments with a reduced clinical team to provide them. However, we have had some lovely messages of support, little cards of thanks and very often chocolates and biscuits- even flowers last week! Your support and appreciation of the work that we are doing really helps keep morale up, so thank you for your understanding and support. We would also like to welcome two new members of staff to the Reception team: Jenny Hillard and Sarah Hubbard, both welcome additions!

Nursing Update

How is your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking going?

Research has shown that it is easier to quit with support from a Smoking Cessation Advisor.

You can book a telephone or face-to-face appointment through reception. We can give you expert advice on a range of proven methods to help you quit. Then give you professional support during the first few months that you stop smoking.

Did you know that:

  • after 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse start returning to normal
  • after 24 hours carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to clear out smoking debris
  • after 48 hours ability to taste and smell improves
  • after 3–9 months lung function improves up to 10%
  • after 5 years the risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker
  • after 10 years the risk of lung cancer is halved and the risk of heart ischaemia falls to that of someone who has never smoked.

Dispensary Update:

We have been made aware of an app called “Hey Pharmacist” which enables patients to order their medication via this app. This app is not connected to us in any way and we ask patients not to order via the Hey Pharmacist app.  

Patients can order medication via the NHS app, online web form on our website, or dropping your repeat slip into the surgery. Please do not hand medication orders in at the hatch or over the phone. Thank you  

Donation for Ukraine - updates

A massive thank you to our patients for the great number of generous donations of medicines, nappies, baby clothes, dressings etc. to help the Ukrainian people. In addition to regular deliveries to Warwick hospital, a friend of the Practice also delivered a van load of goods directly to Ukraine on 21st March. 

The Nicol Unit have been inundated with donations and we will not be able to deliver any more items there. Instead, please access the link here to make a donation

A massive thank you to our patients for the great number of generous donations of medicines, nappies, baby clothes, dressings etc. to help the Ukrainian people. In addition to regular deliveries to Warwick hospital, a friend of the Practice also delivered a van load of goods directly to Ukraine on 21st March. 

The Nicol Unit have been inundated with donations and we will not be able to deliver any more items there. Instead, please access the link here to make a donation

Screening and pregnancy

Women will not usually need to have a cervical screen if they are, or could be, pregnant. This is because pregnancy can make it harder to get clear results. 

Screening can resume 12 weeks after birth. If you have had an abnormal result in the past you may need to be screened while pregnant.

Women will not usually need to have a cervical screen if they are, or could be, pregnant. This is because pregnancy can make it harder to get clear results. 

Screening can resume 12 weeks after birth. If you have had an abnormal result in the past you may need to be screened while pregnant.

HPV patient case study

Alice was part of one of the first cohorts of girls to be offered the HPV vaccine at school.

The HPV vaccine is extremely successful in reducing the risk of cervical cancer, but does not reduce the risk completely which is why it is still vital that women who have had the vaccine still attend screening appointments regularly.

The case study is available to download here  and picture here.

A weblink to the case study can be found here.

Alice was part of one of the first cohorts of girls to be offered the HPV vaccine at school.

The HPV vaccine is extremely successful in reducing the risk of cervical cancer, but does not reduce the risk completely which is why it is still vital that women who have had the vaccine still attend screening appointments regularly.

The case study is available to download here  and picture here.

A weblink to the case study can be found here.

Cervical cancer patient case study

A woman who has been cured of cervical cancer is urging all women to attend cervical screening appointments.

In 2011 Kate Tonner had been putting off booking her screening for a year before a nurse persuaded her to have it done after she had raised concerns during a routine appointment.

A full case study is available to download here and picture before cancer, picture weeks after surgery and picture - now.

A woman who has been cured of cervical cancer is urging all women to attend cervical screening appointments.

In 2011 Kate Tonner had been putting off booking her screening for a year before a nurse persuaded her to have it done after she had raised concerns during a routine appointment.

A full case study is available to download here and picture before cancer, picture weeks after surgery and picture - now.

Panoramic Clinical Trial

Meon Medical Centre is taking part in the national PANORAMIC clinical trial, which aims to find new antiviral treatments for people with COVID-19 that can be taken at home. 

To be eligible to join the trial you will need to have a positive test for COVID-19 and symptoms that are likely to be caused by COVID-19, starting in the last 5 days. The trial is open to people aged 50 or over, or 18-49 years with an underlying health condition. 

If you are registered at Meon Medical Centre and would like more information, please contact us on 01789 720820. You can join the trial online, even if you are not currently registered with our practice. For full details, visit www.panoramictrial.org .

Meon Medical Centre is taking part in the national PANORAMIC clinical trial, which aims to find new antiviral treatments for people with COVID-19 that can be taken at home. 

To be eligible to join the trial you will need to have a positive test for COVID-19 and symptoms that are likely to be caused by COVID-19, starting in the last 5 days. The trial is open to people aged 50 or over, or 18-49 years with an underlying health condition. 

If you are registered at Meon Medical Centre and would like more information, please contact us on 01789 720820. You can join the trial online, even if you are not currently registered with our practice. For full details, visit www.panoramictrial.org .

Patients Charter


  • Our aim is to provide a good efficient service for our patients.
  • All our staff are trained and expected to be helpful, polite and courteous to all patients. All staff will try to help each patient with their individual needs. To enable us to achieve this please help us to help you. Please keep us informed if your personal details change, such as a change of name, address or telephone number.
  • We are committed to giving you the best possible service. This will be      achieved by working together and taking shared responsibility for your health. During the corona virus pandemic, many services have been disrupted. Some examples are the increased waiting lists for hospital procedures and a national shortage of blood bottles. This has also meant some disruption to annual reviews for medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension. Please be aware that annual reviews are due in your birth month and don’t wait for us to remind you to book in.
  • Following consultation you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In return we would ask you to try and follow the medical advice offered and to take any medication as advised.
  • You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origin, religious beliefs, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.
  • We ask that you treat the doctors and all practice staff with the same courtesy and respect.
  • If a patient commits an act of violence or abuse towards the doctors, a member of the staff or to any other person present on the practice premises or in the place where the medical services are being provided, they will be removed from the practice list with immediate effect; the police will be contacted and asked to attend.


  • Our aim is to provide a good efficient service for our patients.
  • All our staff are trained and expected to be helpful, polite and courteous to all patients. All staff will try to help each patient with their individual needs. To enable us to achieve this please help us to help you. Please keep us informed if your personal details change, such as a change of name, address or telephone number.
  • We are committed to giving you the best possible service. This will be      achieved by working together and taking shared responsibility for your health. During the corona virus pandemic, many services have been disrupted. Some examples are the increased waiting lists for hospital procedures and a national shortage of blood bottles. This has also meant some disruption to annual reviews for medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension. Please be aware that annual reviews are due in your birth month and don’t wait for us to remind you to book in.
  • Following consultation you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In return we would ask you to try and follow the medical advice offered and to take any medication as advised.
  • You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origin, religious beliefs, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.
  • We ask that you treat the doctors and all practice staff with the same courtesy and respect.
  • If a patient commits an act of violence or abuse towards the doctors, a member of the staff or to any other person present on the practice premises or in the place where the medical services are being provided, they will be removed from the practice list with immediate effect; the police will be contacted and asked to attend.
Patient Survey - November 15 2021

View the Patient Survey Summary - November

We are pleased to share with you the recent results from our in depth patient survey. We had over 500 responses, with 528 individual comments added. The vast majority were positive and were similar in theme to this:

Thank you all so much for everything you do and working so hard through the pandemic. The kindness and level of care and service shown to my son was just wonderful. All staff I have had contact with have been exemplary. Far and away the best Practice I have been a patient of. Very many thanks

In addition, we had feedback on the areas that could be improved. Please see below what was said and what we are doing about it:

  • Lack of awareness of Extended Access: For the last 2 years, we have worked with neighbouring Practices to provide appointments with Clinicians at evenings and weekends. There are telephone and face to face appointments available, Reception staff will discuss availability when you call.
  • Lack of awareness of the Patient Participation Group: This is a group of local patients who are willing and able to represent the views and concerns of our wider patient base. Meetings take place four times a year and have been held remotely since 2020. The convenience of this has meant we have seen an increase in the level of participation, as well as the demographics of our patient base being better reflected.
  • Clinicians not as pro-active as they used to be following up blood test results:Clearly there has been greater demand on Clinician time during the pandemic. Please be aware that a call is only made if test results are abnormal. We are about to publish a Patient Charter where we ask that patients work with us in taking responsibility for their health.
  • Over 75 health reviews: These are not currently a commissioned service.
  • Minor surgery clinic: This is currently not a service provided at Meon. Patients will be referred onto the Wellesbourne Medical Centre.
  • Can we have a ‘window’ of time for telephone consolations with GPs? We now indicate a 2 hour time frame for a call back, although it is not guaranteed.
  • Website notices need to be relevant and timely: We will now publish a monthly update on the website and Facebook that will also be circulated via local parish newsletters.
  • How will you have capacity in your existing premises to serve a growing population? This is considered in the longer term  as part of Clinical Commissioning Group planning. The patient base is growing steadily, but we are seeing the largest growth in the number of appointments requested per patient.
  • Staff can appear unhelpful: We have recruited new staff as Receptionists and Dispensers in the last 6 months and all patient feedback has been positive. We have a huge demand for GP appointments at the moment but we will always try to help patients- Extended Access and E Consults are two of the other options available. Last Monday alone, we received 240 calls into the Practice in the morning.
  • Patient privacy: We have changed the way that we work so that if you call in at Reception asking for test results or other private information, we will offer to print the results or discuss them in a private area.

View the Patient Survey Summary - November

We are pleased to share with you the recent results from our in depth patient survey. We had over 500 responses, with 528 individual comments added. The vast majority were positive and were similar in theme to this:

Thank you all so much for everything you do and working so hard through the pandemic. The kindness and level of care and service shown to my son was just wonderful. All staff I have had contact with have been exemplary. Far and away the best Practice I have been a patient of. Very many thanks

In addition, we had feedback on the areas that could be improved. Please see below what was said and what we are doing about it:

  • Lack of awareness of Extended Access: For the last 2 years, we have worked with neighbouring Practices to provide appointments with Clinicians at evenings and weekends. There are telephone and face to face appointments available, Reception staff will discuss availability when you call.
  • Lack of awareness of the Patient Participation Group: This is a group of local patients who are willing and able to represent the views and concerns of our wider patient base. Meetings take place four times a year and have been held remotely since 2020. The convenience of this has meant we have seen an increase in the level of participation, as well as the demographics of our patient base being better reflected.
  • Clinicians not as pro-active as they used to be following up blood test results:Clearly there has been greater demand on Clinician time during the pandemic. Please be aware that a call is only made if test results are abnormal. We are about to publish a Patient Charter where we ask that patients work with us in taking responsibility for their health.
  • Over 75 health reviews: These are not currently a commissioned service.
  • Minor surgery clinic: This is currently not a service provided at Meon. Patients will be referred onto the Wellesbourne Medical Centre.
  • Can we have a ‘window’ of time for telephone consolations with GPs? We now indicate a 2 hour time frame for a call back, although it is not guaranteed.
  • Website notices need to be relevant and timely: We will now publish a monthly update on the website and Facebook that will also be circulated via local parish newsletters.
  • How will you have capacity in your existing premises to serve a growing population? This is considered in the longer term  as part of Clinical Commissioning Group planning. The patient base is growing steadily, but we are seeing the largest growth in the number of appointments requested per patient.
  • Staff can appear unhelpful: We have recruited new staff as Receptionists and Dispensers in the last 6 months and all patient feedback has been positive. We have a huge demand for GP appointments at the moment but we will always try to help patients- Extended Access and E Consults are two of the other options available. Last Monday alone, we received 240 calls into the Practice in the morning.
  • Patient privacy: We have changed the way that we work so that if you call in at Reception asking for test results or other private information, we will offer to print the results or discuss them in a private area.
9 Nov, 2021
Patient Access Emails

EMIS Health have received reports from both Patient Access users and people who have never registered for the service, that they have received Covid passport emails purporting to be from Patient Access.

They would like to share the following guidance from Patient Access:

  • EMIS Health advise users of Patient Access to check the name and email address of the sender; all emails from Patient Access will come via an email address that ends in @patientaccess.com.
  • EMIS Health advise users never to click on any log in links that you receive via email but to visit the site via the address bar of your browser instead so that you know you are on the genuine Patient Access log in page. You can find more information and guidance on our information security page here: https://www.patientaccess.com/security
  • EMIS Health strongly advise users to set up their Memorable Word security feature, as well as using biometrics (fingerprint ID) if they use the app.
  • Email addresses used to register for Patient Access account are secure. They do not share any data and no data is ever saved or stored on any device you use to access Patient Access.

EMIS Health have received reports from both Patient Access users and people who have never registered for the service, that they have received Covid passport emails purporting to be from Patient Access.

They would like to share the following guidance from Patient Access:

  • EMIS Health advise users of Patient Access to check the name and email address of the sender; all emails from Patient Access will come via an email address that ends in @patientaccess.com.
  • EMIS Health advise users never to click on any log in links that you receive via email but to visit the site via the address bar of your browser instead so that you know you are on the genuine Patient Access log in page. You can find more information and guidance on our information security page here: https://www.patientaccess.com/security
  • EMIS Health strongly advise users to set up their Memorable Word security feature, as well as using biometrics (fingerprint ID) if they use the app.
  • Email addresses used to register for Patient Access account are secure. They do not share any data and no data is ever saved or stored on any device you use to access Patient Access.
Cancer Support Service

Campden Home Nursing have recently opened Jecca’s house in Chipping Campden, offering a variety of cancer support services. 

Please see this leaflet timetable of events.

Campden Home Nursing have recently opened Jecca’s house in Chipping Campden, offering a variety of cancer support services. 

Please see this leaflet timetable of events.

Child Flu Vaccinations

Is your child aged 2-3 and born between 01.09.2017 and 31.08.2019?We now have children's nasal flu vaccinations in the surgery! Please contact reception to book your child into one of our flu clinics.

Flu: 5 reasons to get your child vaccinated - Primary School (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Is your child aged 2-3 and born between 01.09.2017 and 31.08.2019?We now have children's nasal flu vaccinations in the surgery! Please contact reception to book your child into one of our flu clinics.

Flu: 5 reasons to get your child vaccinated - Primary School (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Support your surgery so it can be there to support you

Please check this poster from the BMA.

Please check this poster from the BMA.

Latest update by NHSD regarding Type-1 Opt Out

The current NHS Digital (NHSD) extract of GP data for Research purposes (known as the GPDPR) has been delayed due to NHSD wishing to review the way in which this data will be collected, to conduct more public involvement and information about the plans and change the way in which patients can opt out of the extract of their GP data.

Currently the only way to opt out is to complete a Type 1 opt out form and return this to the practice. There was a deadline of the 1st September but this deadline has been removed (see below):

However, this extract will not be taken until the NHSD have changed the way it will take the data and respect the patient’s choice for using their data.  NHSD are introducing the following changes to the opt outprocess which will mean that patients will be able to change their opt-out status at any time:

  • Patients do not need to register a Type 1 opt-out by 1st September to ensure their GP data will not be uploaded.
  • NHS Digital will create the technical means to allow GP data that has previously been uploaded to the system via the GPDPR collection to be deleted when someone registers a Type 1 opt-out.
  • The plan to retire Type 1 opt-outs will be deferred for at least 12 months while we get the new arrangements up and running and will not be implemented without consultation with the RCGP, the BMA and the National Data Guardian.

This means that you can opt out at any time in the future and NHSD will delete data that they already have taken for research purposes, the deadline of the 01/09/2020 has been delayed until a new system of opt out is developed.  Hopefully, this will be a simple centralised approach via the NHS app or NHS website to avoid paper form and administration work for your GP.

We will update you when we know more about the NHSD plans to change how you can control who has access to your data.

For further information on this - please click here.

The current NHS Digital (NHSD) extract of GP data for Research purposes (known as the GPDPR) has been delayed due to NHSD wishing to review the way in which this data will be collected, to conduct more public involvement and information about the plans and change the way in which patients can opt out of the extract of their GP data.

Currently the only way to opt out is to complete a Type 1 opt out form and return this to the practice. There was a deadline of the 1st September but this deadline has been removed (see below):

However, this extract will not be taken until the NHSD have changed the way it will take the data and respect the patient’s choice for using their data.  NHSD are introducing the following changes to the opt outprocess which will mean that patients will be able to change their opt-out status at any time:

  • Patients do not need to register a Type 1 opt-out by 1st September to ensure their GP data will not be uploaded.
  • NHS Digital will create the technical means to allow GP data that has previously been uploaded to the system via the GPDPR collection to be deleted when someone registers a Type 1 opt-out.
  • The plan to retire Type 1 opt-outs will be deferred for at least 12 months while we get the new arrangements up and running and will not be implemented without consultation with the RCGP, the BMA and the National Data Guardian.

This means that you can opt out at any time in the future and NHSD will delete data that they already have taken for research purposes, the deadline of the 01/09/2020 has been delayed until a new system of opt out is developed.  Hopefully, this will be a simple centralised approach via the NHS app or NHS website to avoid paper form and administration work for your GP.

We will update you when we know more about the NHSD plans to change how you can control who has access to your data.

For further information on this - please click here.

Medication Delays

Please be aware that we are experiencing some delays to our medication supplies from wholesalers. This is due to staff shortages of delivery drivers and staff working at these distribution sites needing to self-isolate due to Covid-19. We apologise for any inconvenience experienced by this and have been assured that the wholesalers are doing everything they can to minimise disruption.

Please be aware that we are experiencing some delays to our medication supplies from wholesalers. This is due to staff shortages of delivery drivers and staff working at these distribution sites needing to self-isolate due to Covid-19. We apologise for any inconvenience experienced by this and have been assured that the wholesalers are doing everything they can to minimise disruption.

Infection prevention control guidelines to remain in place

The highest priority for the NHS remains the safety of staff, patients and visitors. While COVID restrictions will end in many settings in England from 19 July, everyone accessing or visiting healthcare settings must continue to wear a face covering (unless they are exempt) and follow social distancing rules.

Public Health England’s infection prevention control guidelines and hospital visiting guidance are therefore set to remain in place for all staff and visitors and across all health services including hospitals, GP practices, dentists, optometrists and pharmacies to ensure patients and staff are protected.

Read the infection prevention control guidance for further details.

The highest priority for the NHS remains the safety of staff, patients and visitors. While COVID restrictions will end in many settings in England from 19 July, everyone accessing or visiting healthcare settings must continue to wear a face covering (unless they are exempt) and follow social distancing rules.

Public Health England’s infection prevention control guidelines and hospital visiting guidance are therefore set to remain in place for all staff and visitors and across all health services including hospitals, GP practices, dentists, optometrists and pharmacies to ensure patients and staff are protected.

Read the infection prevention control guidance for further details.

Important Information on Covid Vaccine Certificate

Please do not contact the surgery to enquire about covid vaccination certificates.

We are unable to issue this certificate at the practice.

Please see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/demonstrating-your-covid-19-vaccination-status-when-travelling-abroad for further information.

Proof of your vaccination status will be available on the NHSapp, which is also valuable for accessing your health records and ordering repeat prescriptions. Refer Online Services page to download it.

Alternatively you can call the NHS helpline on 119 (from 17 May) and ask for a letter to be posted to you. This must be at least 5 days after you've completed your course of the vaccine, the letter may to take up to 5 days to reach you.

Please do not contact the surgery to enquire about covid vaccination certificates.

We are unable to issue this certificate at the practice.

Please see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/demonstrating-your-covid-19-vaccination-status-when-travelling-abroad for further information.

Proof of your vaccination status will be available on the NHSapp, which is also valuable for accessing your health records and ordering repeat prescriptions. Refer Online Services page to download it.

Alternatively you can call the NHS helpline on 119 (from 17 May) and ask for a letter to be posted to you. This must be at least 5 days after you've completed your course of the vaccine, the letter may to take up to 5 days to reach you.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

The prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test to see if you might have prostate cancer and to monitor treatment for prostate cancer. Please check the link for details.

The prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test to see if you might have prostate cancer and to monitor treatment for prostate cancer. Please check the link for details.

NHS e-Referral service: Putting patients in control of their outpatient appointments
How to Access your GP Practice During Covid
Dementia Services

Please follow Dementia Help and Support for more information on dementia services.

Please follow Dementia Help and Support for more information on dementia services.

CPR decisions, DNACPR and ReSPECT

CPR isn’t always the best treatment for an individual. That’s why CPR conversations need to happen. Please follow this link to know more.


CPR isn’t always the best treatment for an individual. That’s why CPR conversations need to happen. Please follow this link to know more.


Recognising Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptoms

Please follow this leaflet to identify Covid-19 symptoms.

Sources: World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Please follow this leaflet to identify Covid-19 symptoms.

Sources: World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

An Invitation To Join the South Warwickshire Prostate Cancer Support Group

The Group is for those in South Warwickshire whose lives are affected by cancer of the Prostate; the men, their partners and their families.

We usually meet every two months on a Tuesday in St Andrew’s Church Hall in Shottery near Stratford-on-Avon. We suggest a £3.00 donation per person for the free parking, refreshments and hire of the room. We generally have a speaker for the second half of the meeting.

Address: Church Lane, Shottery, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 9UL

Due to the current coronavirus emergency we are not holding any meetings at present.

Online meeting timing - 3.00-4.30pm on Tuesday 15th September 2020.We offer telephone support to individuals with prostate cancer and we also have a buddy system.

Contact person - Doug Badger (Support Group Organizer)

Email - badgersett@live.co.uk

Phone: 01789 488422 or Text on 077 84545 513.

In addition, you may like to contact one or both of the available helplines

Prostate Cancer UK free helpline (staffed by specialist nurses) -0800 074 8383

TACKLE free helpline (staffed by men with prostate cancer) - 0800 035 5302

The Group is for those in South Warwickshire whose lives are affected by cancer of the Prostate; the men, their partners and their families.

We usually meet every two months on a Tuesday in St Andrew’s Church Hall in Shottery near Stratford-on-Avon. We suggest a £3.00 donation per person for the free parking, refreshments and hire of the room. We generally have a speaker for the second half of the meeting.

Address: Church Lane, Shottery, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 9UL

Due to the current coronavirus emergency we are not holding any meetings at present.

Online meeting timing - 3.00-4.30pm on Tuesday 15th September 2020.We offer telephone support to individuals with prostate cancer and we also have a buddy system.

Contact person - Doug Badger (Support Group Organizer)

Email - badgersett@live.co.uk

Phone: 01789 488422 or Text on 077 84545 513.

In addition, you may like to contact one or both of the available helplines

Prostate Cancer UK free helpline (staffed by specialist nurses) -0800 074 8383

TACKLE free helpline (staffed by men with prostate cancer) - 0800 035 5302

Eye Emergencies during Covid-19

Please be advised that the process for eye emergencies has changed.Instead of attending hospital straight away, please call our specialised telephone numbers:02476 964800 or 02476 964802 or 02476 964806 (Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm)(Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 9am to 12pm) 07823 535 863 (Out of hours)In the event of this number being unavailable out of hours, please try again or contact the on-call ophthalmologist via the switchboard on 024 7696 4000

You will be spoken to by an expert clinician who will give you specialist advice on the next steps to take.This is not a walk-in service. Please only attend the Eye Outpatient department if you have phoned in advance and have been advised to attend.

Please be advised that the process for eye emergencies has changed.Instead of attending hospital straight away, please call our specialised telephone numbers:02476 964800 or 02476 964802 or 02476 964806 (Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm)(Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 9am to 12pm) 07823 535 863 (Out of hours)In the event of this number being unavailable out of hours, please try again or contact the on-call ophthalmologist via the switchboard on 024 7696 4000

You will be spoken to by an expert clinician who will give you specialist advice on the next steps to take.This is not a walk-in service. Please only attend the Eye Outpatient department if you have phoned in advance and have been advised to attend.

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